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Friday, October 6, 2017

GM Klang Floor Plan - 1st Floor - Direction to PM Borong

Bagaimana nak datang ke kedai borong kami? 
Kami ada floor plan dari GM Klang untuk Tingkat 1, Blok B.

1) Lepas parking kat luar bangunan GM Klang, jalan ke Pintu Besar kat tengah-tengah. 
2) Naik escalator (tangga otomatik), dan belok kiri untuk masuk bangunan GM Klang Blok B.
3) Belok kiri lagi, dan jalan sampai nampak jalan yang panjang penuhi dengan kedai2 dua2 belah.
4) Jalan terus sampai ke belakang, kami ada 4 kedai aksesori wanita di sini ya.
5) Lihat kat papan tanda dan anda akan nampak "PM" 

Inilah kedai-kedai kami di Blok B, GM Klang
B-1-191, B-1-196, B-1,197, B-1-198

Kalau tak jumpa, sila whatsapp 60183652955

How to come to our wholesale shops?
We have a floor plan from GM Klang 1st Floor for Block B.

1) Park your car outside the building of GM Klang, walk towards the main entrance at the center of both buildings
2) Use the escalator to come up to 1st floor, turn left to enter the Block B, GM Klang building.
3) Once you are in, turn left again and walk until you see a row full of shops.
4) Walk straight until the end of the row, we have 4 shops full of Ladies Fashion Accessories here.
5) Look up for our signboard and you shall see"PM"

Here is our list of shops on the 1st Floor, Block B, GM Klang
B-1-191, B-1-196, B-1,197, B-1-198

If you still cannot find us, please whatsapp 60183652955


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